It’s been a couple of weeks since I last blogged. So much has been
going on. I have been feeling so weary. Been feeling like giving up-literally. I
stopped journaling my experiences, stopped seeking God and stopped taking the
time to evaluate myself and ask God what He’s been trying to teach me during
this difficult and painful season in my life. I’ve been in a really dark place.
I mean yes I have a relationship with God. Yes I believe in Jesus
and yes I believe in the Word of God yet I still feel like crawling under the
covers and praying that the storms in my life go away. I’m just so sick and
tired of going through the motions. I can’t even begin to imagine or comprehend
how someone who doesn’t have a relationship with God must be feeling.
From Kidulthood To Adulthood…
I have been discovering so much about myself. Like I’ve been
learning how strong or should I say how weak I really am. I’ve been experiencing a lot of blockages and
obstacles lately, which have in fact tested my character as well as my
expectations. Things are turning out quite different to how I had planned. I
wasn’t expecting things to be rosy but like hmm I guess I was expecting things
to be a walk in the park in some respect. How naïve of me aye?! Like I was
thinking I could get from a to b without any disruptions. I was living in cloud
9 lol. I failed to take into account possible detours, delays and traffic along
the way to my destination. I see that life is indeed a roller coaster and if I
want something I must get up, go out there and fight for it. Nothing worth
having just falls on your lap hence why James said faith without works is dead
When I think about the past 3 months alone, I have indeed been
through the motions. Firstly there were issues with my visa. Then I had a heart
problem. Oh yes so the doctor found an abnormality in my heart and I felt like
I was slowwwwwwwwwwwing down literally. I’m feeling much better now and they
were able to get to the root of the problem. What I find intriguing however is
that even though there was a physical problem with my heart, I also believe
that a spiritual problem contributed to my heart condition. There were some
things that I needed to deal with-bitterness, unforgiveness, worry-and this was
all taking a toll on my heart. So back
to what I was saying, after the heart issue was all sorted it’s literally just
been attack after attack, issue after issue, and surprise after surprise. I
feel like every area of my life has got issues. Last Friday felt like the final
straw for me. I had suicidal thoughts. Yes I Miss Josie Agyeman had suicidal
thoughts. I was feeling so so so low. Life just hasn’t been going the way I had
anticipated it would. I’m not going to have a pity party no point. It doesn’t
change anything-just makes you focus on self rather than on God.
I’ve been winging crying out to God like a 3 years old baby
saying “but I’m so young, I'm only 22 and all these things are happening to
me”. THIS IS LIFE. This. Is. Life. God doesn’t say that every 10 year old will
experience X at this age and then when they’re 20 they will experience Y. No no
no I’m coming to realize more and more that God is sovereign and does things
HIS WAY. He has different plans for each and every one of us. We have our own
path to venture on.

Remember Who The Real Enemy Is
I got to a place where I stopped reading my Bible and stopped
praying. I became so weary and tired of life. I found it too painful to even
think about God. I kept hearing the scripture “He will never give you more than
you can handle”, yet I stopped trusting God and couldn’t see how all of this
could possibly work out for my good. At the end of Hunger Games 2 Haymitch said
to Katnis “remember who the real enemy is”. I failed to see that God was never
against me. The real enemy was satan. I was turning against God when the real enemy,
satan was jumping up and down having a party.
What humbles me is that in spite of the way I have been feeling, in
spite of the fact that I have turned away from God and been faithless, He has
remained faithful. I have been questioning God’s will for my life and apart of
me has also been resisting it too. Yet in spite of this there are people in my
life who have not left me. They have continued to pray for me. I’ll put my
hands up and admit that I haven’t been the best person to be around lately. I would
talk to friends and they would encourage me and I would be like “I don’t wanna
hear it”. I was tired of hearing my friends talk about God and how He has such
great plans in store for me because what I was experiencing was quite the
opposite. I questioned how things could possibly work out for my good.
I Need More Wisdom!
Speaking of friends, these past couple of weeks have opened my eyes
to the fact that when it comes to friendships/relationships only a few can be
trusted. Having said that I put my hands up and admit that I’ve made my fair
share of mistakes. I was too naïve and trusted people too quickly. I failed to
discern and realize that not everyone has your best interest at heart-even
within the Christian community. I have been too open too quickly with those
around me. I’m learning the difference between being transparent with someone
and being too open.

The Show Must Go On