How are you all doing? I hope you’re having a lovely week so far.
Here in Fiji it's summer time and it’s getting really HOT! I can’t cope
lol. Last week was such an eventful week filled with work, fellowship, movies
(finally had the time to go and watch Thor) as well as chilling by the pool
Josie, watch your mouth!
God has been dealing with me in the area of my tongue. The season
I’m in has been teaching me a lot about how corrupt and defile my tongue can
be. Ephesians 4:29 says “let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but
what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the
hearers”. Only good words that encourage and build others up should be coming
out of our mouths. If we’re going to discuss something/one it should be to
build up the person or because we’re trying to find a solution to the problem. If
we have an issue with someone, it’s better we take it to God rather than to

Nothing can EVER compare to the love of God!
This week Isaiah 45:5 really convicted me and gave me a deeper
revelation of God’s unconditional love.
It says “I am the Lord, and there is no other; apart from Me there is no God.
I will strengthen you, through you have not acknowledged Me” NIV. The
word acknowledge means; to notice, recognize one’s importance, respect,
appreciate. Here I interpreted the
scripture as God saying “Josie, despite the fact that you fail to spend time
with Me, read My word, worship other gods and fail to give Me the glory that I
am so worthy of I WILL help and deliver you to show you that I AM GOD. I am faithful;
I have an unwavering commitment to you even when you are disloyal because I am
true to My word. Human beings change
their mind just as the weather changes but I do not because I am love, I bear
all things, I never stop being patient with you!”

Cherish Your Family
Last week I shared with you all that I was living with a Rutoman
family and well through this experience I’ve been learning so much about the
importance of family. During Bible study, I stumbled across Psalm 68:6, which says,
“God sets the lonely in families”. This is me!!! I was feeling so homesick; missing
my family and friends and without me even realizing it, God was ordering my steps
and placed me in a family. I cried out to Him and He heard me.

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