This week has
been such a busy and testing week for me. I have been working on my ministry,
preaching and have also had to read a book and complete a book report. I’ll make
another post sharing with you all what I learnt from the book.
This week I
called someone I knew I had to forgive and boy oh boy did it feel gooooood. I
felt soooo much peace, it was overwhelming. I feel free guys. I’ve realized
that when we do as God instructs, we will experience feelings and emotions we would have
never thought were possible to feel. Walking with God is a journey worth
pursuing. If God is speaking to you right now about forgiving someone, don’t
delay! Forgive and let God heal you.
Yet Not Crushed!

He Loves Me Just The Way I Am

Through this
experience, God exposed the condition of my heart. I felt so discouraged to the
point where I was focusing so much on my situation that I pushed God to one
side. The scripture that came to mind that day was Philippians 4:4 which says
“Rejoice in the Lord always”. I felt so convicted and had to repent. He is
worthy to be worshipped and praised regardless of my problems because HE IS
during my quiet time throughout the week God led me to 1 Chronicles 20 and then
to Psalm 147 and 148 which all speak about praising God. I have realized that I
don’t always praise God wholeheartedly especially when I’m going through a
difficult time and this is something I need God to help me with.
Fresh Revelation!
During lectures this week, the speaker
Pastor Conan was speaking on The Cross and touched on spiritual growth. This is
something that has been on my mind for some time now. He said that if we want
our spiritual walk to go from glory to glory and faith to faith we must fear
God. The key to drawing closer to God is connected to reverence fear of God.
That’s the connection. Me becoming familiar and at times not doing what I
should be doing with all my heart soul mind and strength will affect my relationship with God. The Bible commands
that we love God with all our heart, soul mind and strength, we must give Him our all and be consistent.
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog :)
My email address is:, I would love to hear from you.
Miss Josie Jo
My email address is:, I would love to hear from you.
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