Get Behind Me
Bula! How are
you all doing…this week spiritual warfare was going on. So basically the day
before my birthday first my laptop just randomly decided to stop working as I
was preparing to take notes for the lecture and this went on for a couple of
hours. Then as the lecture was going on, I started feeling really really weak.
It was weird because my body was not in pain, yet I literally felt like a
spirit was pressing me down. I had to excuse myself from the lecture and go and
lie down. Later one of the speakers from Australia came and prayed over me and
I was able to walk and go back into the lecture. He explained to me that there
is a lot of resistance; the enemy doesn’t like the fact that I’m in Fiji and
drawing others closer to God.
Put On The
Whole Armor of God...
As believers
and soldiers in God’s army we need to expect this, we should not be discouraged.
James hit the nail on the head when he said “dear brothers and
sisters, when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.
For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to
grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be
perfect and complete, needing nothing” (James 1:2-4). It’s vital that we
realize that warfare is always taking place; the enemy literally walks around
like a roaring lion, looking for something to attack and spit out. In spite of
this there is no need for us to fear because no weapons formed against us shall
proper. Yes the enemy and his demons will bring the attacks but it shall not
prosper because He who is in us is greater than he that is in the world. We
must put on the full armor of God so that we will be able to stand against the
wiles and schemes of the enemy (Ephesians 6:11).
It’s My
This week I
turned 22 and have been reflecting on the goodness of God. God has blessed me
beyond words I’m telling you. This time last year I was preparing from my final
year exams and a year later I’m in Fiji! Sacrifices have been made, but looking
back they have been worth it. If not for Yahweh and the people He has brought
into my life to encourage and exhort me, I would not be the woman I am today.
It was Yahweh who gave me the strength to get through the darkest moments in my
life. God has brought me so far…from primary school to university, He has
brought me through situations with my friends and families not to mention guys
and been so patient with me when I backslid. In spite of all the mistakes I
made and continue to make, His plans and purpose for me have not
has remained faithful beyond words. 2 Timothy 2:13 declares that even when we
are faithless, He remains faithful. That’s the God I serve, and if He has done
all this for me, expect Him to do great and mighty things in your life too J
I want to
encourage you all to be obedient to God, if He has called you to do something,
do it! Don’t procrastinate, don’t delay, don’t make excuses because if you
do, you will miss the blessings God has in store for you.
Place of
Towards the
end of this week God has been working on me a lot mentally and changing my
mindset. This week’s topic has been Worship and one of areas the speaker
touched on was our place of worship. Our place of worship is the place we spend
most of our time and upon reflection, I see that my laptop has become my place
of worship (the way I reacted to my laptop not working was soo not right). God
also revealed with me that I have become idle with my time, browsing through
Facebook for example instead of concentrating on other things. Facebook is such
a big TIME-WASTER people; it seriously rubs us of our purpose. Satan is using
the media to distract us from our calling and purpose. “Little” things like
this are what are could be hindering our relationship with God and our personal

I felt so
convicted, I had to repent and every time I would look at my laptop I would see
it as a “god”. Now I’m not saying there is something wrong with having a
laptop, no lol. What I am saying is that anything that draws us away from God
becomes an idol. What’s your place of worship? Is it your mobile phone? Job?
Friends? Television? Sports or leisure activities?
Live A Holy Life
One of the chapters I have meditating on
this week are 1 Corinthians 7, which speaks about the married and unmarried. We
go through different seasons in our life and if you are in the season of
singleness I want to encourage you to be concerned with God’s Kingdom and His
will. Live a life that is separate and set apart in body and spirit. Devote
your life to Him. When God believes its time for you to enter into a
relationship and get married then He will bring the person. In the mean time, make
the decision to be celibate and to live a holy life. Leviticus 11:44 says “I am
the LORD your God; consecrate yourself and be holy, because I am holy”.
Thank you all
for dropping by lol and reading what I have been up to. Feel free to drop me an
email:, I would love to hear from you.
Miss Josie Jo
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