This week I have been so emotional. On
Monday I got a phone call from the airport asking me to come and pick up a
parcel my family sent from England. I was so excited to eat strawberry bonbons
from Marks and Spencer’s haha but little did I know that this parcel would
humble me and make me sob like a baby! I opened the parcel to see so much snacks
and treats not to mention gifts and birthday cards and video clips. I did not
anticipate just how much this parcel would make realise how much I miss my
friends and family back home.

He’s Calling Me Deeper

God,I Need A Moment!
After I got the confirmation from God my
initial reaction was “God, this was never MY plan”! I kept saying to my
friends, “I’ll be back in 6 months” but little did I know that God had
different plans for me. I made a mistake. I failed to take into account
Proverbs 16:9 which says “a man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his
steps”. I failed to realise that my life is not my own and as a result I was
finding it hard to submit to His will. I was like a baby kicking and screaming
and as much as I confessed with my mouth “God, Your will be done” I just wasn’t
ready to surrender my life completely to Him.
One of the amazing qualities about God is
that He is so gentle. When I looked back at how far I had come since being in
Fiji and everything that has happened, I see that God was preparing me all
along for that moment. He was preparing my heart and knew the right time to
confirm it to me. He led to notes in my Bible, which said “complete
trust in God demands that we relinquish all rights to direct the course of our
own life. By surrendering to God’s will, we affirm that our Father knows best.
Personal aspirations become secondary to God’s divine plan”….OUCH! Who ever
said this Christian walk ain’t easy was not lying!!!

We Were Created For His Glory
God created us with a purpose and He has
His own plans for us. The word purpose means: the reason for which something is
done or created or for which something exists. We didn’t choose our purpose God
did. “It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning,
our purpose, our significant, and our destiny. Every other path leads to a dead
end”-Rick Warren. We were born by God’s purpose and for His purpose. It’s not
about us, it’s about HIM! Revelation 4:11 declares that God created everything,
and it is for His pleasure that they exist and were created. If you haven’t
read Rick Warren’s book The Purpose Driven
Life, I strongly recommend you do, this will definitely put life into
prospective. In Isaiah 43:7 it says “Everyone who is called by My name, whom I
have created for My glory; I have formed him, yes I have made Him". We were
created for His glory and pleasure.

Thank you all for taking the time to read my
blog and know that I have been praying for each and everyone of you.
P.s feel free to subscribe to my blog posts :)
Miss Josie Jo
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