Blessed Sunday With The Church Family

Feeling Frustrated & Annoyed
Fellowship With The Teens
What else has been happening to me this
week? Well as you know from previous posts that I have been seeking God about
the next step and this week He revealed to me a glimpse of what the future
holds for me. I see now that He wants to use my Psychology degree to bring
understanding and work with people with mental health issues in Fiji. I’m super
excited for what God has in store for me!
Rebellion=Willful Disobedience…OUCH!
I have also been learning a lot about
myself…well God has been exposing things lol! I was brought up in an
individualistic society and am so used to being independent and doing my own
thing. I now realize that although this is a good thing in some respects it can
also be a hindrance in the Kingdom of God. The Bible speaks about how in the
Body Of Christ there is to be “no division in the body” (1 Corinthians 12:12).
Though we are many, we are one body in union with Christ, and are all joined to
each other as different parts of one body (Romans 12:5).
Me being so independent at times has
resulted in me finding it hard to submit to leadership. I can be so rebellious
and stubborn at times and I recognize now that rebellion=willful disobedience …YIKES!
As we all know a rebellious spirit does not please God. Ultimately, all
rebellion is against God! This is regardless of whether it’s against leaders,
parents or the law. After all God established those patterns of authority
(Romans 13:2). I had to repent and change my mindset. I came across a quote that said, “those who do
their own thing will never lead any body, but those who know how to follow will
be good leaders”. I can’t be a good leader if I’m not a good follower and
How are you when it comes to submitting to
authority? Are you struggling or have you mastered submission? If you are
struggling in this area, I want to encourage you to repent and ask the Holy
Spirit to help you. His grace is sufficient and made perfect in weakness (2
Corinthians 12:9). In Isaiah 1:19 it says that if we are willing and obedient,
we shall eat the good of the land scripture. Don’t you want to eat the good of the land?
My email address is:, I would love to hear from you.
Miss Josie Jo
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