DREAMS that I have in
my heart that won’t got away, the passions I have

personality, the way I have been made up, God has made me different for a
IDENTITY-My identity in
Christ, who I am in Christ
GIFTS-The gifts and
talents I have and also the Spiritual gifts
NETWORK-People I need
in my life to help fulfill my destiny

Are You Dreaming
When you know
your calling, it gives you purpose and meaning in life. When you understand your
purpose, you will live long and be healthy. I urge you to live in the purpose
that God has for you. Without a vision, we can’t move forward. If you don’t
follow God’s plan you will live an unfulfilled life. The decisions we make
today determine our future. We need to use our free will to choose to follow
the plans that God has for us. Following your dreams won’t be easy but it will
be worth it. If your dreams don’t scare you, they’re not big enough. Some
examples of things that stop us from discovering our purpose; we doubt who God
is and we doubt ourselves. What things do you need to change in order for your
dreams and desires to manifest? Change your faith level and ask God to reveal
to you His biggest desires and plans concerning you.

Joseph is a
great example of someone who went through so much yet he understood that God
used it as an opportunity to sharpen him. He had a dream and his brothers were jealous
of him. They were going to kill him but then decided to sell him as a slave. He
was sold as a slave. Was then accused of rape. Was thrown into prison. Found
favor in the prison. He was forgotten about for more than 2 years. In all he
went through, his heart was right with God and God honored and blessed him
because of it. The things that the enemy means for evil in your life God will
make it turn out for good (Genesis 50:30).
He Cares About
YOUR Character
Fulfilling and
rewarding experiences help us recognize key patterns. What fulfills you? What
things in your life have you still not dealt with? God wants to shape and mold
you and sometimes it hurts but if you allow Him to come and do the shaping, you
will become a vessel of honor and will be used greatly for His glory. Don’t you
want to be used by the creator of the universe? Our lives are like that of a
bicycle, we can have our calling but if our character is not good the back
wheel falls off. We cannot fulfill our calling in life if our character is not
good. It’s so important that we ask God to examine us daily (Psalm 23-24). No
matter what experiences you have gone through in life; trust God to see you
through. Only God can turn a mess into a message, A trial into triumph, A test
into a testimony, A victim into a victor.
God has made us
different for a reason so stop comparing yourself with others. Who are we to
ask God why did He make us like this (Isaiah 29:16).

I have to
receive the gift and remember the gift is not just for me, it’s for those
around me. Share the gift with others otherwise it’s useless. What we are is God’s gift to us, what we
make of our lives is our gift back to God (Romans 12:3-6). God has given us different gifts to do certain things well, if we do our part, God will also do
His part. Supernatural gifts of the Holy
Spirit. We must yield our gifts to God. We are to use our gifts and talents to
share the Gospel. It is also important that we remember that one gift is not
more important or spiritual than the other; for example the pastor is not more
important than the teacher or the cook in the kitchen (1 Corinthians 12: 4-12).
God does not want us to be ignorant about our spiritual gifts, He placed different gifts inside each and every one of us (Romans 12:6)
and it’s up to us to practice and devote ourselves to cultivating our ministry
and gifts
The eyes of the body
They communicate truth with strong conviction
What is right and what is wrong
Motivated to challenge, correct and challenge
Points out the blind stops in people
They are the hands of the body
They help others with practical assistance
Has the desire to reognise unmet needs
The server in the kitchen, serving others
Don’t need recognition
The mind of the body
The ability to explain things in a way that causes
other people to learn
Makes truth clear and understandable
The mouth of the body
The encourager
Barnabas was the encourager
Motivate is to build people up
Exhorter brings out the best in others and to build up
Arms of the body
Giver helps provider for specific needs
The giver has the ability to give resources and time
Givers are noted for their generosity
Shoulder of the body
Keep us organized and help us to achieve the vision
They recognize the gifting’s of others
Heart of the body
Keep us relating to others
Emphathy, feel what others are feeling
Naturally provide compassion
God is a
relational God. We are created to belong in relationships, we can’t stay on our
own for too long because we have a inner desire for relationships. We need to
network with God first spending the time in His presence. We need to be with
others that have similar focus and goals as us. However the challenge is to be
with the right people at the right time. Are the people you hang with going to
help you with your goal and vision? Satan will always try and bring people in
our life who will detour us from our purpose. Be alert. We also need to watch
out with modern technology, the enemy will that to turn us away, the movies we watch,
the music we listen to.
We need to
maintain the relationship with God every day, prepare our heart for the day. When
we lack wisdom and commitment to obey the truth. When we hear from God and
choose not to obey Him and as a result we can end up at the wrong place at the
wrong time. Network encourages new revelation. Multiplication occurs when we
work together. We need to be able to be united and stand together. Make your
life experiences positive, don’t dwell on the negative. Be victorious in your
identity in Christ. Don’t be misled by what other people might say.
Be A Finisher
Jesus was a
finisher and freed Himself from distractions. His food was to do the will of God.
What God wanted Him to do was more important than eating food. Do you take what
God wants you to do seriously? Jesus was totally dependent on the Father (John 5:19).
The only way we can finish what God has called us to do is by remaining in Him.
The enemy will use things that look attractive to draw us away from our purpose
and draw us away from what God wants us to do e.g good jobs with better money,
more comfortable lifestyle that what God has called. What God calls you to do
will not always to easy.
Keep Your Eyes
On The Eternal Prospective

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