Thursday, 31 October 2013

Week 30-Season Of Planting...

It’s Just Emotions Taking Me Over

This week I‘ve battling with the spirit of depression and oppression. I have been allowing my circumstances to get the better of me urgh. At present I’m trying to find my feet in a foreign land. This is a season of planting and sowing for me as I feel like I'm starting from scratch. I was online and came across an article that said, “Depression is not cause by circumstances, but failure to trust Christ”. Reading that really convicted me. The whole essence of feeling something is that we may do something about it. I’m learning so much about myself like I need to guard my heart a lot more and exercise self control. If not I’ll continue to sink into the sea of depression. Proverbs 16:32 says “it is better to win control over yourself than over whole cities”.

If we want to have victory over our circumstances, it will not be through our feelings but through faith. Our faith acts as an agent to assist in fulfilling the predetermined purpose of God. We must stand firm against the enemy; anything that hinder the purposes of God in our lives.

Keep Pushing
As believers we must be relentless-unyielding, we can’t take no for an answer. We must not give up. We need to keep prevailing and pushing until the victory is won. The Israelites didn’t stop shouting around the walls of Jericho until the wall collapsed. Imagine if they had stopped on the 6th day, would they have crossed over? Of course not! If you want to see breakthroughs in your life, you need to keep pushing. A mother keeps pushing until the baby comes out; keep pushing your victory is coming my friend! Are you committed and determined to become all that God had predestined you to be? Rest assured and know that His grace is sufficient for you.

Transformation Starts In The Mind Yo!

God wants us to change because He wants us to be prepared for what He has next in store for us. Every area of my life has already been conformed to this age and it must be transformed. To be transformed is to move from one form into another. Transformation must first take place in the mind (Romans 12:2).

Also, I have noticed that lately I have been so discontent with my current situations but God wants us to be content with wherever we are. The word content means ‘to be in a state of peaceful happiness; to be satisfied’. God wants us to be like Paul who was joyful, thankful and content in whatever state he was in (Philippians 4:11). The opposite of being content is impatient, restless, unhappy, envious, frustrated. Now this does not mean we become comfortable and complacent with our circumstances, it simply means we are not allowing our circumstances to determine how we feel.

I made the mistake of thinking that an improvement in my circumstances would make me happier-that’s a lie from the pits of hell. If I’m not grateful and thankful for what God has given me now, how can I expect to be ‘happy’ when I receive more. People, we can’t wait till our lives are in ‘order’ before we decide to be joyful.

And The Refining Continues

God has been using my relationships with others to humble me. In James 4:6 it says that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. The word humble means to be more concerned about honoring God, free from vanity, unassuming, submissive, having a low estimate of one’s importance. The word oppose mean; to be against, dislike, disagree with, be in opposition. God actively stands against us when we are prideful and He generously pours out His grace in our lives when we respond with humility-which one do you want?

Besides working with the police and doing community work I have recently started mentoring teenagers, oh and I finally decided to enroll for swimming classes haha.

That’s about all from me, have a lovely week :)

Miss Josie Jo

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