So this week I officially started counselling the police officers
woop woop! I love the fact that I’m getting back into the routine of work and although
it’s been a bit nerve wrecking for me to adjust to a new setting which is male
dominated, I see how God is using me to be the light within the work place.
Praise Him Regardless
This week I have been learning that whether or not God meets my ‘needs’
I must continue to praise Him and boy let’s just say it hasn’t been an easy
lesson to learn. Daniel’s friends Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced the
prospect of being burnt to death but in spite of this they still trusted God and remained faithful. In Daniel 3:17-19 they
said “If we are thrown into the blazing furnace,
the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and He will deliver us from
Your Majesty’s hand. But even if He does not, we want you to know, Your
Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have
set up”. They were such faithful men. The word faithful means to remain
loyal and steadfast and this is what God calls us to be.
Because He Loves, He Disciplines
Apart of me still gets frustrated when things don’t go my way. Like the
other day I started complaining and questioning God’s character when I asked Him
to provide something for me and He didn’t. God spoke to me and said, “Josie, a father doesn’t give their child
everything they ask for every time and you need to understand that”. I was like
wow! I made the mistake of coming to God as if He was a genie or something when
He’s not! He’s our heavenly Father who loves us and demonstrates His love by
chastising and disciplining us (Hebrews 12:6).
Don’t Be A Conditional Praiser
The book of Habakkuk has been encouraging me greatly through this
season of my life. God called Habakkuk to embrace what He called him to endure
and the prophet did just that with joy. God calls us to do the same thing, we will
have our trials but He wants us to embrace it with joy and thanksgiving. Habakkuk
3:17-19 certainly puts things into prospective. Like lately I have been feeling
like I'm in a dry place, a place of lack not only financially but-spiritually
and emotionally too but God has been challenging me to be like Habakkuk, who,
being in a place of want still chose to say “yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I
will joy in the God of my salvation. This is true faith. God wants us to still
make the decision to read our Bible, pray, to go to church and to do whatever
else He has called us to do even when circumstances change for the worst.
Master Your Emotions
What else has been happening in my world? Oh yes so God used a
friend to expose to me a weakness of mine-my emotions! Like situations lately
have made me realize that I have been allowing myself to be ruled by my
emotions and this is something that I need to work on. Joyce Meyers once said
that “an emotional person is defined as: one easily affected with or stirred by
emotions; one whose conduct is ruled by emotion rather than reason. With the
help of the Holy Spirit I’m now on the path to learning how to exercise
self-control more and not allow my emotions to make my decisions. A quote I
came across said “wisdom says wait; emotions say hurry” and this is sooo true.
Thank you for taking the time to read what I’ve been up to this
week. I’m praying for you all.
Much Love,
Miss Josie Jo
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